Having made its place among the most interesting alternatives in terms of ecological materials, bamboo stands out on several points.

However, it is important to look for eco-certification when shopping for a product made from bamboo, as this fiber is chemically processed and can have a significant impact on the environment when not grown or processed in an eco-certified factory. 

During your next purchases, look for one of the following certifications : Oeko-Tex, GOTS, ACO.

Green farming

The environmental rewards of organic bamboo starts at the beginning of the chain through its agriculture.

You should know that bamboo is a plant that is grown without negative impact on its immediate environment, since it grows naturally in large areas of forest and requires only a very small amount of water compared to the cotton. Thus, no natural area has been altered in order to specifically adapt it to bamboo farming.

Growing this fiber is also a great way to encourage agriculture that gives back to the environment, since bamboo has the ability to absorb carbon dioxide quickly in order to turn it into oxygen.

Having the characteristic of renewing itself very quickly, bamboo allows mass industrial agriculture without having to use aggressive fertilizers sometimes used to encourage the rapid growth of a fiber and thus affecting the surrounding biodiversity very lightly. The soil therefore remains naturally fertile and its nutrients renew themselves.

As a result, this plant automatically grows stronger with each cut and is naturally resistant to invasive insects, thus requiring no pesticides that could negatively impact its ecosystem.


4 times softer than cotton, bamboo fiber offers incomparable comfort. It is the transformation and treatment of the latter that gives it a smooth and silky texture making it more comfortable than others when it comes to responsible material options.

Its natural ability to insulate also helps regulate body temperature so the fabric provides coolness on hot days and retains body heat on colder days.


The structure of bamboo fiber is characterized by microscopic cavities giving it a great capacity to absorb moisture. This property makes the fabric ideal for making fitted garments or underwear that stays drier longer during everyday use.

As a result, bamboo resists unwanted odors better, allowing them to pass through the fiber, even after multiple washes.

Antibacterial and hypoallergenic

As mentioned above, the composition of this fabric offers great moisture absorption capacity. When it is released by the skin, the fibers capture it and expel it, thereby facilitating its evaporation. The body therefore remains dry and the proliferation of bad bacteria is naturally reduced.

Bamboo has a hypoallergenic property which means that it does not cause any allergic reaction whatsoever. This characteristic of bamboo is particularly beneficial for sensitive skin, as it avoids any irritation or itching.

Pour la première collection, Born in nature, la matière utilisée est la rayonne de bambou certifiée Oeko Text. Cette marque déposée assure la conformité légale d'un textile contrôlé. Cette certification garanti donc de manière fiable que le tissu n'a été traité à l'aide d'aucune substance nocive. Vous pouvez donc être assuré que la matière respecte votre peau et votre santé.